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Apple puts the "i" in business

AppleInsider                     Good: Apple leads business adoption with 72% mobile devices, 90% of tablets, 95% of apps

The i in business is small, and largely goes unnoticed. Yet, it wouldn't be "business" without it. That is the way it is with Apple in the enterprise. Apple is not the first company that comes to mind when thinking about the enterprise sector. Yet, the post-PC solution of choice among businesses is Apple.

I highly recommend you read the linked article. Three things stood out for me that tend to fly under the radar in the press: First, in business, where it is a lot harder to fudge the numbers, Apple dominates. We know exactly how many iDevices and custom iOS apps are being deployed. It's not even close. I suspect we would see something similar in the consumer space if all companies were forced to provide real sales numbers. 

Second, when people are ready to get some real work done on a post-PC device, they reach for an iPhone or iPad, mostly iPad. They do not reach for a Galaxy anything. Also left behind are tablets from Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. The iPad is often dismissed as a mere, consumption device for entertainment. However, it is the only major tablet with a ratio appropriate for viewing and editing documents. Everything else, including the offerings from Microsoft, have a ratio conducive for watching movies. When real work is done on a tablet, it is done on an iPad.

Finally, in environments when people can use whatever device they want, they pick iDevices. BYOD (Bring Your Own Divide) has been like rocket fuel for the iPhone and iPad in the enterprise. Not so very long ago, the only devices anyone could use in a business setting were those provided by the company. Though the employees desperately wanted to use something else, anything else, they couldn't. Now that they can, they overwhelming choose iPhones and iPads.  

This is also true in the consumer market, though it is not as obvious. By now, it is almost axiomatic that the more money a person has, the more likely they are to have an iPhone or iPad. That can also be extrapolated to countries, and regions of countries. Wherever wealth is centered, iDevices are strongest. That is a harsh truth that no one wants to highlight. But there it is. Not always, but more often than not, when people can choose anything they want, they choose iPhones and iPads. That truth is easiest to see in the business world, where money is less of an object. 

David Johnson