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Apple will lifestream today's event

If you have an Apple TV, you have a new icon on the homescreen. It is for the Apple event today at noon, CST.  

If you do not have an Apple TV, it is possible that one of today's announcements will convince you to get one. Though, on that front, I understand that there has been a last-minute glitch in the plans that will delay the TV announcement. If true, the glitch is most likely contractual rather than technical.  

It is unclear if Apple will also be streaming directly from their website. Usually, when Apple does a lifestream, it is to anything with the latest QuickTime protocols. I would be surprised if that was not the case, this time. For those with no access to the stream, I will be offering a semi-live blog of the event, with more in-depth commentary after the fact.. Enjoy. 

David Johnson