Cases, covers, or commando: how do you clad your iPad Air?

Let's face it, we iPeople are in love with our cases. No matter how beautiful Jony Ive makes our Apple devices, we rush to wrap it up in a case, never to see the actual device again. In my own household, it happened with the, more rare than gold, gold iPhone. What chance does the iPad Air have at going case-free? Absolutely none!

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The Next Generation iPad Casing Makes an Unofficial, Video Debut

It is a little early to ramp up the iPad rumors, but... Ah, who am I kidding? It is never too early to ramp up iPad rumors. It appears someone with a video camera and a good speaking voice has gotten their hands on the front and rear panel of the next iPad. They are consistent with the parts we have already seen. The video is more than just a reveal of the parts, but a side-by-side comparison of the current iPad and the new one. 

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